Call Southern California PCI QSA Charles Denyer at 1-800-277-5415, ext. 705, for PCI DSS services for Los Angeles, Orange County, and the greater San Diego area. Comprehensive services, timely attention, competitive, fixed-fee pricing is what businesses will receive from NDB Advisory and PCI QSA Charles Denyer. Southern California businesses that store, process, and/or transmit cardholder data must become compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS), however, easier said than done as compliance can be expensive, time-consuming, and operationally taxing. Trust Southern California PCI QSA Charles Denyer for all your organization’s PCI DSS needs, from Level 1 onsite reporting to penetration tests, and much more.
Additionally, NDB can also author your PCI DSS policies and procedures, along with providing assistance with filing of all administrative documents for compliance, such as the Report on Compliance (RoC), the Attestation of Compliance (AoC), etc. Additionally, many businesses are opting for PCI compliance –particularly that of Level 1 onsite assessments – for business development and marketing reasons. The key to these situations is scoping the engagement out correctly, while still meeting client demands for services, for which NDB can assist you with.
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) have without question become one of the most well-recognized regulatory compliance mandates throughout the entire world. That’s right, from Cape Town, South Africa to Charleston, South Carolina, merchants and service providers are having to become compliant with the PCI DSS provisions. If your business resides in the greater Southern California area, such as Los Angeles proper, San Diego, and Orange County, then call PCI-QSA Charles Denyer today at 1-800-277-5415, ext. 705, or email him at Charles will provide you with a competitive, fixed fee for all your PCI DSS compliance needs.
Author: Charles Denyer