Call PCI-QSA Charles Denyer at 1-800-277-5415, ext. 705 ( if you’re looking for a South Florida PCI Qualified Security Assessor. Merchants and service providers residing in South Florida are being required to become compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS), which can be a challenging task at times. Simply stated, if you store, process and transmit any type of cardholder data, then the time is now for becoming PCI DSS compliant. While it can be a challenging endeavor, it doesn’t have to be, especially when relying on the services of a proven and trusted senior Qualified Security Assessor (QSA), such as Charles Denyer of NDB.
NDB’s South Florida PCI-QSA services consist of the following:
- PCI DSS Level 1 onsite assessments as mandated by a Payment Card Industry Qualified Security Assessor (PCI-QSA).
- Penetration testing and vulnerability scanning.
- PCI DSS specific information security policy and procedure writing.
- In-depth assistance with many of the PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaires (SAQ), such as SAQ C and D.
- Assistance with completing and filing all necessary documentation for helping ensure PCI DSS compliance is officially achieved.
Don’t forget that one of the biggest challenges – and often over-looked – for PCI DSS compliance is developing the dozens of much-needed information security and operational specific policies, procedures, and other supporting documentation. NDB provides comprehensive documentation for every engagement, just another reason to consider the high-quality, expert PCI services for South Florida businesses offered by NDB.
If you store, process, and/or transmit cardholder data, then becoming PCI compliant is an absolute must in today’s world of growing regulatory compliance mandates. Merchants and service providers in South Florida can now turn to the trusted experts at NDB by utilizing the services of one of North America’s longest licensed QSA’s, Charles Denyer. Call Charles today at 1-800-277-5415, ext. 705, or email him at
Author: Charles Denyer